here is a dried rosebud, because it was the photo i had in my queue, and because sometimes the need to post a daily picture runs up against your daughter’s insistent request for a savoyard potato dish called tartiflette, and instead of spending the afternoon arranging an evocative nature display for your blog, you spend it parboiling potatoes and trying to find the nearest thing to reblochon cheese in the twin cities metro area, where true reblochon does not exist because the fda has banned raw milk cheeses in the united states although of course such cheeses have been eaten safely for centuries throughout the world. on the other hand the tartiflette was sumptuous. all of which is a very roundabout way of saying: here is a dried rosebud.
dried rose bud
lovely…this reads like a Billy Collins poem. I always start my day with still blog. Such gorgeous images and thoughtful commentary.
We get our milk from a local farm who sells cheese as well. It’s called a cow share and as long as you own part of the herd, you can consume raw milk and cheese to your hearts content. Maybe there’s something like that in your area? Love your photos and arrangements!
No worries. Many times life gets in the way of art, especially in households with children. We know where your real priorities are.
We can buy raw milk at a local organic farmers market but I am certain it doesn’t taste as good as what you can buy in France .
You all have inspired me to find a good source for raw milk cheese somewhere near Minneapolis this summer. It will be a fun summer project. Thank you! I think I will start with the cheesemonger at the Saint Paul farmers market who sells a raw milk cows cheese he calls “fish bait”. He can’t call it cheese, because it’s raw milk, so he calls it fish bait, and sells it with a wink, and doesn’t care what you do with it.
Your children are part of your art. Good to see your priorities are well aligned.
In that case, we admire your art very much!