these two branches were in my back yard. two ordinary saplings forever joined. i find it curiously compelling. like marriage.
last night from our kitchen window we stood in silence and watched as six (!) mallard drakes vied for the attention of one pestered hen. this morning we woke to seven deer in the back yard, four of them beddded-down enjoying the first real warmth of the season. i am very grateful to live where i do, even if spring occasionally arrives a month late.
saint paul, minnesota
i am really enjoying your branch art
I also live in the Twin Cities area and I love how you share the beauty found here. Thank you.
Hi Lindsey, I am so glad you found STILL. I was so hoping my fellow Twin Citians would find there way here. Thank you!
This blog makes my day, every day.
You just made my day!
PS my daughter’s name is Eva :-)