not so many years ago, being able to say you were busy was worn as a badge of importance. when that got old, the next trend was to talk about not enough hours in the day, how money was no longer the objective, time was. but people mostly continued chasing money and not doing the slightly boring and unromantic work of carving out time. now, attention is the new currency. the internet and smart phones have stolen it out from under our noses, and no one has enough of it. not only that, everyone else wants some of yours. if you have attention to spare, consider yourself wealthy, and bank it. there’s gold in them there attention spans.
this odd collection of bones was collected in that last two years, simply by being attentive. if i had not given myself a STILL blog challenge, i know i would have looked right past almost every one of these
collection of assorted found bones
here and there, but mostly shoreview, minnesota and autignac, france
Have you read WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME by Christian McEwan?
No, but I will will certainly look into it. Thank you. Heading over to Amazon now…