tomorrow i am sitting in on a webinar by one of my favorite thinkers, Li Edelkoort. she will be talking about animism as part of the post-coronavirus future we need to start imagining. she predicts that the enforced slowdown we have all been obliged to live through this year will return us to a generally slower way of life, with more attention paid to fewer things, and a recentering of ourselves as part of nature, not just users of nature for our convenience, recreation, and economic expediency. it will be a time to rediscover reverence. i can only hope she is correct. i was inspired enough by the thought of it, that i channeled my energy to make an assemblage in honor of Li. an altar of sorts, in honor of what Li calls “the veneration of the river and the moon, as well as seedpods, animals, feathers, shells twigs and the humble pebble.”
assemblage of seedpods, feather, stones. bones, shells, sticks, fern, nest, and egg