misnomer or not?

misnomer or not?

when i look at this phot0–that i made today–i see angry energy, maybe the end of a relationship , or stolen dreams, or broken promises. it’s ironic this photo came out of me, because i feel neither angry nor energetic. it’s mid-march, there is still snow on the ground, the skies have been gray for days. i feel…well…generally blasé. not angry. although come to think of it, i am pretty sick of this particular winter with it’s roller-coaster temps and icy sidewalks. i never have liked daylight savings time either, and the older i get the more it irks me. and there are still four full weeks of tax season and it already feels like it has been going on forever. oh, and did i mention menopause? or hot flashes? or sleepless nights?  okay, so maybe these calla lilies were trying to say something.

dried and crushed calla lilies

oh, by the way…happy vernal equinox to each and every one of you!

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