an early molting season
Apparently, our resident geese are molting. This felt unusually early, so I just looked it up it is only a couple weeks early. Birds molt in the summer when there is an abundance of food and mild weather because molting requires a tremendous amount of energy and leaves the birds exposed and vulnerable. As I mentioned earlier, we have two large geese families right now, with teenage goslings. It’s interesting that the parents are molting while raising the meeps. On the one hand, it makes sense because they are more or less grounded anyway as they keep guard of their charges. On the other hand, they have a super important job right now–keeping guard of their charges–so I would think they would want to be in peak physical condition. Clearly, this is a rabbit hole I must go down today!
Canada goose wing feathers
Interesting. We recently found many goose feathers in our yard (midcoast Maine) and wondered if one had been the victim of an eagle or osprey, although there was no sign of violence. Maybe it was another case of molting. Nothing makes sense anymore. Thank goodness we can still count on wine.