after all this time
after all these years of doing STILL, one would think that i would work a few weeks ahead of when i post. it would give my days more flexibility. i’d spend less time chasing the light. i’d be able to post my images in a way that is more harmonious for scrolling, with like colors and subjects grouped together so they compliment each other rather than clash. one would be right to just assume i do that. because it would make so much sense. but i don’t. i still post the image i made that day, everyday, day after day. oh, i’ve tried to work ahead. and every once in a while, when i’m out of town for instance, i do work ahead by necessity. but if i do that at all regularly, all that happens is that i end up skipping days for the slightest of reasons, and in no time at all i am right back to my daily make-and-post deadline. STILL was always intended to be a simple daily creative practice. it may have morphed into something more than that. but i’m not at all mad that at its core, it is still a daily exercise in seeing, and making.
dried rose
There is no way your colors or subects, etc., could ever clash. You keep on keeping on and I will keep watching.