a visit to my mom’s

a visit to my mom’s

my mom is 86 years old. no one knows what to buy her for holidays any more. so she gets a lot of flowers and plants delivered. recently she got a basket of spring bulbs. the bulbs had not sprouted yet and were still covered with moss, so we didn’t know what was going to come up–hyacinths? daffodils? amaryllis? paperwhites? crocuses? a combination of all of them? one week of joyful anticipation…and pink tulips it is. so today i photographed tulips, while i listened to the weather report forecast 16-22 inches of snow in the next two days.

  • Carol Sommers says:

    Like an almost newborn seconds before taking its first breath

  • Ginny says:

    I hope your mom takes great pleasure in the flowers and plants she receives. This tulip is such a soft, delicate color!


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