the end of two eras happened on two consecutive days. yesterday we said goodbye to our daughter eva at the barcelona airport, and, a little wet-eyed, watched her thread her way through the security line, on her way to california for the first semester of her freshman year of college. today, my younger son became a teenager. for his birthday dinner, after a month in france, he chose a hamburger and fries. we ate them together on the terrace, a family of three for the first time in 13 years. can somebody please make the clock stop for just a couple of days? i need a breather.
lonicera implexa (honeysuckle)
found along a road between the vines, laurens, languedoc, france
I can imagine how your heart is feeling. Where does this thing called ‘time’ go so quickly? What I wouldn’t give to go back and re-live a few chosen weeks of my life. Time when my children were little ones. Grasp hold of all of it and hold on tight. xo
ps–love the unique plant, a lot…
Could be some type of lonicera (honeysuckle), maybe Lonicera implexa? http://floressilvestresdelmediterraneo.blogspot.com/2013/09/caprifoliaceae-lonicera-implexa.html
Oh my! That is exactly what it is! Thank you so much! I had started to search for the name, but was even getting close. Lovely!
Mary Jo