a lot of wine, but not this time

collecting sea glass on a french mediterranean beach normally involves an overwhelming percentage of one particular color that should come as no surprise: wine bottle green. but the last time we went to the beach, a storm had dug deep from somewhere offshore, apparently, and these white/clear, and pale celery green, and even (gasp!) blue samples were waiting for us among the mussel and oyster and clam and snail shells. it may be time to start coordinating our beach outings with the weather. not waiting for sunshine, but waiting for post storm sea glass.

sea glass

the mediterranean at la corniche, sète, france


  • Laura says:

    I love walking the beaches, here in the Pacific Northwest, especially after a storm. Blue glass is a rare and special find, here too.
    Your sea glass arrangement is lovely, and fun!

  • Erica says:

    Oooh, those colors! Sometimes the simple beauty of your images takes my breath. Thank you.

  • Nielz says:

    Triple-mega-GASP! Nice!

  • Limner says:

    You’re so lucky! I’ve never found such lovelies on any Galveston beach.


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