A Gift from the Sky
Have you ever read Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s exquisite little book called A Gift from the Sea? If not, I recommend it. Drawing inspiration from the the shells on the shore, Lindbergh muses on the many roles women inhabit. It was written over 50 years ago, but still holds up today. This blue Jay feather fell from the sky. It has got me thinking if a modern re-make of the book wouldn’t be a good idea? This time, with feathers instead of sea shells as the prompts for each essay. Naturally, it would be called A Gift from the Sky.
blue jay feathers (Cyanocitta cristata)
Go for it! You have another book in you, for sure, MJ. You write beautifully, as we learned with your first book; I enjoyed the text almost as much as the images in STILL. Finally allowed myself to finish it last week – I did not want it to end and stretched it out as long as I could. So… more please. You already have all the images ;) and I volunteer to be a beta reader.
Blue jay feathers are most pleasing to the eye.