apparently cecropia moths have so many predators that they never become a pest. it’s an interesting way to think about pests. pests are the things that not enough other things want to kill, so we humans kill them instead. imagine if so many other flying insects found mosquitos tasty, that we cherished each mosquito that landed delicately on our forearms. oh look! a mosquito! wait, don’t move. let me get my phone. i’m going to instagram this.
cecropia moth
saint paul, minnesota
Mary Jo, I just volunteerd my first hours at our Botanical Garden in Norfolk, VA and saw the caterpillars for the cecropia moth. These moths have no mouths or tongues so are unable to eat. Their sole purpose is to reproduce. If they aren’t eaten, they live only 5 to 14 days. Thought you might be interested in a little more about this beautiful moth.
Mary Jo-You are so funny!