robin egg blue is a web-safe color. do you know what a web-safe color is? i didn’t. so i looked it up. a web-safe color is one of the 216 colors that will appear exactly the same on any computer monitor. the thing i like best about web-safe colors is that their opposites, non-web-safe colors need to be generated anyway, and they are generated by a process called “dithering.” which means they have little geometric patterns overlaid onto them in contrasting colors so that the eye perceives, for instance, a red background with blue “dithering” as purple. personally, i just like that the poor mama robin can simply lay her egg in robin egg blue,and get on with the miracle of birth, without any further dithering.
robin egg and nest
hugo, minnesota
I love your images…but I really love your writings I think even more!
Who knew!
„… exactly the same on any computer monitor …“ sadly that’s not the whole truth. Simple example: a monitor with only 16 colors – and yes there still are some out there – has to dither 200 of the websave colors. On the other hand: every monitor is different, so hold your smartphone next to your desktop monitor and you will see the difference.
Just sayin …
Really nice egg!!!
I’d never quite understood the idea of “mansplaining” until now. Just saying …