i fell hard for northern california while i was a grad student at stanford. i have always felt that i belonged to that part of the world in some way. i have sjogren’s syndrome, which means i have dry skin and dry eyes, and that makes our brittle minnesota winters particularly hard on my system. it didn’t make things any easier to spend the last week driving from san francisco to big sur in humid pacific sea air and 60-70 degree temperatures. the beautiful purple sand above comes from pfeiffer beach where manganese garnet washes down from the cliffs onto the beach, and big northern california waves crash through rocks and boulders, then roar onto shore, while pelicans glide inches above the waves just beyond the surf line. this minnesota girl was falling. falling hard.
purple sand (from manganese garnet) at pfeiffer beach
pfeiffer beach, big sur, california
I was wowed to see my initials made of sand. Please laugh. We made the journey along the coast on our way back from a driving trip to Sooke, BC a few years ago. There is nothing like N. California. Thanks for this vicarious trip
I understand about and empathize with your sjogrens and also hope you are able to have occasional relief from what the ‘market’ has to offer for your symptoms. Be well.
Hi Linda, not many people know about Sjogren’s, I’m surprised you know about it. I sure hope it’s not because you or someone you love have something in the same Lupus family.