steve’s tax clients know he is also a food writer and, more than that, someone who experiences food joyfully. he is so much fun to give food to, that his clients almost compete to see who can give him the best food gift. So far this season, he has received homemade jams and breads, pastries, homemade sauerkraut and giardiniera, raw whole milk, foie gras, french sauternes, and homemade apple jack. most of his clients also know that steve’s wife is a nature collector, animal lover, blogger and photographer. occasionally they too bring me gifts, like this taxidermied raccoon tail, which is in its way, if you squint a little bit and use your imagination, very similar to foie gras and sauternes. you just have to sort of tilt your head. keep trying. you’ll see it.
racoon tail
gift from steve’s tax client
Oh, i saw it right away, hope it was as delicious as the other one was