do you remember the thin man movies with william powell and myrna loy? through some kind of synapse misfire tonight, the thought of the word “aster” dredged up from my past the name “asta,” that couple’s adorable wire haired terrier, and i was transported to hot summer nights when steve and i first met, and we used to stay up late with a fan blowing over us in a cheap apartment, watching the whole thin man series. you had to watch each movie two or three times just to keep up with the cracking pace of the dialogue. and, of course, no mortal could have kept up with the pace of the drinking. it’s 28 years later, and i can still get a little bit thrilled about the idea of an acerbic and devoted middle aged couple, trading loving barbs, not quite able to hide their feelings for each other, or for their goofy dog.
sky blue aster
saint paul, minnesota