this flower reminds me of an earlier post, when I promised to write a letter from my 70 year old self to my present self. the reminder came not because i have any hope or even intention of becoming stem-thin at 70, but because i might decide around that time to begin sporting some gray spiky hair. i was going to try to write that letter tonight, as a matter of fact, and somehow found myself on the couch with a laptop on my knees trying to apply for a trademark for STILL. i decided after about two hours that i am really quite a good taker of photos for STILL blog, but i am possibly the worst trademark attorney currently in existence.
wild sunflower in winter
saint paul, minnesota
I don’t know if you’ve seen the documentary “Advanced Style”, but I’m pretty sure you could use that for inspiration for your 70 year old self. Those ladies are completely inspiring and give you a lot to look forward to, whether spiky hair or pink hair. ;)
So many colors in that grey crown! Gorgeous.