Standing together

Standing together

Yesterday was Pub Day for Steve’s book. Yes, after years (2 years in my case, and 8 years in his case) our two Pub Days fell only two months apart. At first we thought this was perhaps not ideal, but it is turning out there is lot of opportunity and interest in our doing joints events.  Last night was Steve’s Launch Party. Tonight we will be talking together to a sold-out crowd at the Twin Cities’ biggest indie bookseller. All of this hoopla is fun and exciting. And exhausting. I feel like these Queen Anne’s lace–standing together tall and erect, turning towards the sun and blooming. It looks impressive, but it was been very windy here (all those storm fronts moving through) and with each front, these delicate beauties get whipped around like weather-cocks. For right now, Steve and I are holding up, and making the most of all the opportunities being offered. But…I can feel my energies being depleted. Soon, I will need rest.

If you have not heard about Steve’s book, it’s called A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France. I recommend you go over to Amazon and check i out. It’s magnificent.

Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota)

  • Judy says:

    Queen Anne’s lace is a lovely example of a fractal – the iteration of each of the small flower clusters forming the complete flower head. Symmetry in terms of scale, rather than the perhaps more familiar symmetry of left to right.


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