partly sunny
I had dinner guests coming at 5 PM tonight. We have started a tradition of Friday night pizza and hot sauce. Our local low-brow frozen pizza is called Heggie’s. So Friday night is Heggie’s and Hot Sauce at our house. It’s stupid good. And word has gotten out…so we usually have guests. At 4 PM, I sat down to write this post. At 4:05 PM an old friend from college called. Now it is 10 PM, which is a good hour past my witching time. So, this is all I got by way of words today. I do like my circle of hydrangea florets though. So at least there’s that.
winter hydrangea florets
Yes, your circle of hydrangea bits is quite satisfying and uplifting. And such rich colors, all things considered.
Don’t be surprised if I show up at your doorstep one Friday night, lol!
Ginny! I would welcome you with open arms! Truly.
Heggie’s and Hot Sauce is worth the trip. #justsaying