Nature loves a Fibonacci series

Nature loves a Fibonacci series

My workshop went well. A little clunky on my delivery as this was the first time I have given this particular talk. But I think there is a nugget there, with the art of noticing, that I hope to refine.  On a completely different topic, these winter stems are compelling, aren’t they? Those dots are not burs,  and I don’t know what the plant is. Wild mint, perhaps? Anyway, one thing I am sure of is that those little dots (calices?) are very probably laid out in a Fibonacci series.  Nature loves a Fibonacci series. And so do I.

unidentified winter stem (wild mint??)

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    Wild mint? I dunno if it is or not, but isn’t mint always a wild thing?? Turn it loose in your garden and it’s all over! Those stems are delightfully sinuous.


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