late bloomers
we have almost all of minnesota’s native ferns on our property with the sad exception of bracken ferns which we have tried and so far failed to introduce. as of late may, the ostrich ferns are already waist high, yet my lady ferns are still just filling out. yes, ferns have seasons just like flowers. my interrupted ferns emerge first, followed quickly by ostrich, and cinnamon. lady, sensitive, and maidenhair ferns come along almost a month later. i know this because i tend to get a little excited (read hyper-focused) about them in early spring. interestingly, i have no idea in what order they die-back come autumn. i guess i have lost interest in them by them. by then i am no longer craving green, like i do in april. on the contrary. i am ready for a break from the green tunnel i have been looking through for three months.
lady fern fern shoots