that green exactly
my view these days is hazed with the chartreuse yellow-green of new new-growth leaves. i live in a heavily wooded three acre lot on the south shore of small lake. it’s a unicorn of a place–to be so secluded within 15 minutes of two downtowns–minneapolis and saint paul. it feels more like a cabin 100 miles north. i love this time of year in our woods. within weeks the leaves will be so dense that i will live in constant shade. ecologically, it’s very sound–summer shade to keep the house cool, and winter sun to heat the house up. but, i have to admit, i do have fantasies of living on a high hill, and no trees to obstruct the endless views. oh, i suppose the grass is always greener. but right now, i wouldn’t trade anybody’s grass for my young, diaphanously pale green hardwood leaves.
springtime linden leaves and buds