steve asked me what i was going to say about this. i told him, i’m seeing my mom every day, who is recovering from surgery and a car accident. i love maple samaras, and this is a pretty good pattern of them, but you know. it’s a good filler. i had a long day. it’s good enough. some days are like that. hey, steve, how much art did you make today? gimme a break.
winter maple seeds
Hang in there. Caretaking is a daunting, time consuming, soul-sucking process. Mom lived with us for a month over the summer while she recuperated from shoulder surgery. It wasn’t easy for anyone. It took me another month to recuperate.
Indeed! and keep in mind that these maples send out thousands of samara, just hoping that one or more will be good enough/ lucky enough to carry on the legacy of the mature tree. Good enough is good enough.