because of my husband’s tax business, and his writing career, and because life is what it is, he and i haven’t collaborated on a STILL blog image for a while. today we did, and we both remembered why we enjoy it when we get the chance. the fun of it was not the final image. it was the iterative and inventive process of finding a practical way to photograph beet slices of just the right thickness to reveal their rings, and their color. it involved finding the right thickness, the right background, and the right surface on which to arrange them. in the end, the answer involved about 1/32 of an inch, sandwiched between two glass panes, photographed looking up through the beet slices into a white, midday, overcast minnesota sky. you do what you gotta do.
beet slices
I know that tree rings are seasons: winter/summer/winter/summer… But what makes beet rings??
I hope the beet slicer was wearing his mandolin glove