the season between seasons
it’s easy to think of this as high lilac season, or high wild geranium season, or high lily of the valley season. but it is also the season between seasons. it is the season of the budding but not quite flowering black locust flower. it is the season of the buttercup bud. and it is the season of the immature wild grape bunch. everything moves through the seasons together, like generations that overlap but that are each of a different age.
wild grape vine in spring
Hi Mary Jo – Recently delighted to find a Redbud tree in a nearby yard. Had to walk over nearly every day to see its progress. Now it is all green! So fleeting and so fun to know how unusual it is. Perhaps you have featured it before. I shall watch for it next spring again. The pink floral is distinctive and easy to spot. And they don’t usually thrive this far north. Or without a canopy of large trees. Love your work – it is an important part of my day – every day.