coming to rest
we have been home from france for just over a week, but i feel as if today was the first day we actually came to rest. exiting our life is the more difficult of the two tasks, but re-entering it still holds challenges. five months of mail and the inevitable unpaid pill or two (or three) that i wasn’t able to foresee back in august. clothes for my adult sized son who steps back into his sophomore year on Monday and refuses to stop growing. funny things. a reminder that our well water pressure is weak. the sound of a blowing furnace at night, instead of an almost silent boiler. blue light, instead of yellow. the forgotten joy of vehicle seat heaters. i’m getting used to all of them. tonight there is a fire, and a fresh dusting of snow, and candles, and a dog under the blanket on the couch, and at least a temporary kind of stillness. it’s nice to be back.
wood duck feather