a specific moment
i know i spend a lot of time on this topic but it is one of my favorite things about STILL blog and its insistent dailiness. it forces me to see the seasons, yes, but then it forces me to see the seasons between the seasons, and the seasons between those seasons in turn. this was a plane tree along a rural highway and in snapshot the tree’s crown was a golden/russet “fall” color, but what this photo shows is that it is actually between mid-fall and late fall. the little spherical seedpods will remain on the tree long after all the leaves have fallen, and then eventually they will burst like a denser version of a dandelion head, and wooly seeds will drift to the ground to be reborn next spring. but the interesting part of the photo is the leaf in the center background, which is bug-damaged and fragile, and about to drop. when all of the leaves drop, it will be a new season within the season. but for now, we are in the season of plane tree seedpods, and deteriorating leaves. and i’m happy to be part of this season for as long as it lasts.
(platanus) plane tree seed pods