late-season tomatoes
when the tomatoes see us coming they run for their lives. we are eating them as if we have been sentenced to death and the only way to stay the execution is to eat our weight in late-season tomatoes. at this point, our survival seems assured. i have eaten tomato salad with cucumbers and feta. i have eaten caprese salad with tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella. i have been served sliced red tomatoes swimming in olive oil and sprinkled with fleur de sel by my husband. i have eaten pasta in a tomato sauce made from shallots, garlic, basil, parsley, and thyme. i have dreamed about tomato tartes, and tomato preserves, and something called passata, which is a sieved raw tomato sauce. i would love to eat a BLT except that every other element (white bread, bacon, and iceberg lettuce) is nearly impossible to find here. so i am thinking about preparing TTT, a tomato, tomato, and tomato sandwich. there you have it.
cherry tomatoes from sète market
Sometimes your photography makes me gasp, as if such simple beauty is a surprise.