summer rain
we talk a lot about spring rains, but not so much about summer rains. for me, summer rains are about the smell of water evaporating from hot sidewalks, but also they are the summer equivalent of a winter snow day, when you get to wake up, and look outside, and then go back to sleep, and when you wake up again, you get to pick a book, and curl up under the covers with it for the rest of the day. it helps to have a dog who likes to curl up behind your knees.
elm leaf with raindrops
do you know that in French we actually have a word for this smell that’s left after the rain (maybe you have it in English too) ? it’s “petrichor” ! Just by saying the word you can feel this sweet fragrance, I think !!!
On a le même mot en anglais! Et qui veut dire la même chose! En français comment prononcez-vous le “ch?” Comme dans le mot “choral?”
Lovely! I associate that smell with rain hitting dusty dirt roads. We ought to have a word for it!!