the congregation
my husband just finished his tax season. each morning he would scatter handfuls of “cheep chirp” bird seed, and juncos, cardinals, blue jays, chipping sparrows, house finches, song sparrows, white-throated sparrows, and the russet beauties you see here–fox sparrows–congregated outside his window. he would call to me when his favorite cottontail rabbit showed up, and when the cooper’s hawk dive bombed the juncos, and when the coyote came streaking in from stage left to just miss making a lunch of a squirrel. it was a daily drama played out in real life through the TV screen of his office window. and meanwhile, almost unnoticed, he completed 700 tax returns, for his congregation of loving clients, seven per day. i hope the fox sparrows appreciated the spectacle they were witnessing on the other side of the glass.
fox sparrows