living by the seasons
living in our tiny corner of rural languedoc in southern france has reminded us just how pleasant it is to live by the seasons. we usually arrive in late summer. for one month we feast on plums. just as we feel we can’t eat another plum–no matter how it is sliced, simmered, baked, poached or preserved–the season ends abruptly and is replaced by peach season. the same pattern repeats itself–the initial delight, the comfort, and ultimately satiation. and just like that, it is suddenly fig season. i bring this up because i am guessing that some of you are getting a little weary of my snow and ice covered winter images. but rest assured, soon enough, and abruptly, there will be signs of spring. but for now we are entering the last phase of winter season. we’ve had our fill. most of the figs have been made into tarts and preserves. there are just a few left, and then the apples and pears will be coming into prime. or in the case of southern minnesota, soon enough, the final tenacious oak leaves will drop, pushed into free fall by the first swelling of juicy buds.
crabapples in february
Thank you, fellow Minnesotan, for the reminder to enjoy, or at least embrace, the fleeting moment of being “full” of snow. I will try to remember to be still, for a moment or two, later this afternoon when I’m out shoveling this new eight inches.