intentionally randomized random intentionality
when is something just right? sometimes it never is. sometimes it almost is, over the course of a dozen not-quites. sometimes it’s just so right, right away. i have some techniques, to get compositions to bend to my vision. but most often, i arrange, then disarrange, then arrange some more, then add material, then take material away, then give the table a little bump with my hip, then move a few stems a few millimeters each with the tip of a pinky finger, and at that point, sometimes i decide it’s just right, or close enough, and sometimes i start over from scratch. it is decidedly unglamorous. especially when the light is fading and you can smell the garlic sauteeing in the kitchen because it’s time to think about dinner. still, it’s an artist’s life. it’s what i signed up for. i’m not ready to hand back my ticket.