against a white background
it took me a couple of years before i felt i understood what taking photos against a white background really meant. it wasn’t just a question of correcting the background of my photos so that it was a pure white that would be the same in every photo and therefore not look out of place as visitors scrolled through STILL blog. it was also a question of taking photos in the right light, so that the subject of the photo wouldn’t blow out, or pixilate as the background got corrected. this is a photo from my mature phase, where i was able to create a white background out of a slightly variegated sky, and still preserve all of the tiny branchlets forking off of all of those tiny branches. unfortunately, the high resolution version of this photo shows that much better, so you’re just going to have to take my word that i hit this one out of the park. also, there is a little bonus birdie up in those branches for any of you interested enough to hunt for him. enjoy.
paper birch branches against a white winter sky