invasive or native?

invasive or native?

i think this is probably the invasive version of phragmites australis, although we do have native phragmites in the great lakes region. i don’t like celebrating invasives as a rule, but i took this photo and i so loved how the fibers looked like warm animal fur in the interior, and then looked frosted like coyote fur on a chilly morning out near the tips, that i decided to give a one day dispensation to phragmites. today, they are one of us. we’ll sort the rest out tomorrow.

(probably) phragmites australis

  • Philip says:

    Hi there, just love the site! I’m an amateur film photographer and love the structure and minimalist style to the site. Could I ask if its a custom coded site or a WordPress theme?

    • Hello Phillip,
      Thank you for the kind words about STILL blog. The site is custom code.
      I built it 8 years ago before places like Sqaurespace had so many minimal templates to choose from.
      Today I might be tempted to customize one of the Squarespace templates, but that has limitations too. It’s a tough call.
      hope this helps,
      Mary Jo


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