better with age
i love the way hosts leaves turn yellow in fall and then the color seems to just drain right out of them. leaving behind colorless tissue paper leaves. we have a lot of hosta in minnesota. they do well here. so right now, all the boulevards and sidewalks appear to be lined in gold. i have been doing STILL long enough to know that if i leave these leaves on the floor in the corner of the kitchen where i photographed them, they may very well be even more interesting in a week once they dry and curl a bit. don’t be surprised if these fall stars play a repeat engagement soon. stand by.
late october hosta leaves
Hi Mary Jo. Just found you through the latest Better Homes and Gardens. (I won’t use any of those cliche words that your writer husband doesn’t let you use!) I’ll just say I have a big garden and every leaf and pod and stem and bloom is a gift, and so your photos have a lovely familiarity to me, and yet I want to linger and look, and look a little longer. I have baskets of rocks and shells and bark and fungi and driftwood, and I am so inspired to now photograph them. Thank you for your inspiration, and how you draw attention to the details of God’s creation.
Hello Deb, sounds like we are kindred spirits! Welcome to STILL blog. I am charmed that it has inspired you to start photographing your collections! Thank you for leaving a comment, it is motivating to know that people are seeing my work. Fondly, Mary Jo