a leetle beeezee
i hope my images have not been too uninspired lately but i will confess that although STILL blog was designed precisely to squeeze into the brief spaces of stillness that occur in the midst of a busy family life (a life I have chosen voluntarily and without any real regret, let’s be clear), those spaces have been a little smaller lately, and i have been squeezing a little harder than usual. i am currently the general contractor for a major renovation of a house up the driveway from us, that we felt cornered into buying in order to rid ourselves of a particularly invasive and noxious neighbor, who, in the end, left behind a house that was just this side of a complete tear down. that is on top of my work as a chauffeur for my 14 year old son and co-editor of my husband’s book, and friend to a friend who has had a hard two weeks, and daughter to a mother who never seems to feel she sees me often enough. so, as my husband and i sometimes say to each other, when the obligations have piled too high and we just don’t have time for each other for a day or two, “sorry, but i’m a leetle beezee.”
american hog peanut vineĀ (Amphicarpa bracteata)