all these roots
i have always loved burdock plants for their gigantic tropical leaves, and had a healthy respect for their ingenious (if infuriating) velcro seed heads that are impossible to remove from jeans and wool sweaters in fall. i have also always been in love with goatsbeard. i love its cheery oversized dandelion flower and its even cheerier, even more oversized dandelion seedhead. little did i know that i have also been harboring a latent love for both plants’ edible roots as much as for their attractive above-ground attributes. i recently ate pickled burdock root and it was a revelation. and after years of enthusiastically ordering anything at a restaurant that had salsify in it, i discover that salsify root is the same plant as my beloved goatsbeard. OK nature. you win. I’m all yours. What have you got planned for me next?
goatsbeard buds (salsify)