a little kelp from my friends

a little kelp from my friends

still blog is slightly more of a communal exercise than it may appear when you visit here. i seek my family’s advice about which version of the next day’s photo is the most compelling. i lean on my husband’s writing instincts to help with captions. my kids have brought me their finds from trails and lakesides and woods and parking lots and beaches. sometimes distant friends will even mail me little collections of “mary jo stuff” with, more often than not, remarkable accuracy about what i might find interesting. in today’s case, an iceland beach walk with two long-time college friends turned into a still blog treasure hunt, and, though i sometimes struggle to come up with yet another image for yet another day, this time i got by with a little kelp from my friends. no, absolutely not. i am not going to apologize for that joke.

kelp from an icelandic beach (Ascophyllum nodosum?)

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