about a year ago
last june, i was at a friend’s house in northeast minneapolis, where my husband was on assignment to write a column, and three slightly crazy, but crazy-talented chefs were cooking in a retro kitchen right out of leave it to beaver, and in the back yard, the cottonwood fluff was drifting on a gentle breeze, exactly as it was this afternoon. when all the cooking was done, the chefs decided that they would only garnish the meal with edible food they could find in the back yard of this tiny urban lot. they found hosta, and dahlia, and sedum, and peonies, and then they found a little patch of what looked like clover. one of the chefs announced, “sorrel! edible!” and we ate it as a garnish on some perfectly crispy duck breast. so now and forevermore, i associate woodsorrel with urban backyards in june, when the cottonwoods are shedding, and a great meal is about to be served.
common woodsorrel