spring . . . ?
Yes, the woodland wildflowers are coming up and all the trees are leafing out and everything is as green as I dream of when I’m surrounded by gray stems and branches in the depth of my march doldrums. But you’re not going to see any of that because today I spent the day at IKEA picking out a kitchen for the house renovation next door that I have been working on since January. Instead you get semi-dry garden flowers because that is what I had time to do today, which, in its way, is very much in the spirit of STILL blog. STILL blog is about fitting art in around all the busy life that I have chosen by choosing to be a mother of two, and an artist, and a part time CEO of the jointly owned businesses that my husband and I run in order to afford our creative lives. So I’m not apologizing, but I am saying that today was one of those days when I wish I were maybe doing one or two fewer things.
dried flower bouquet