how much is too much how much is not enough?
i spent 45 minutes or so this afternooon, fussing with six different branches, each with a different shape, and each featuring a different variety of newly burst leaf bud. i added them to my composition, and then removed them. i maximized and minimized. i created fan shapes, and ovals, and diamonds. i took photos of all six, and took photos of each individually, and took photos of two or three or four or five at a time. finally i arrived at this composition, or rather i arrived at six compositions sort of like this one, and then asked my family for help deciding, and together we decided on this one, which is not exactly an evocation of art as a burst of fully formed inspiration delivered by a greek muse in a tunic, but it is a pretty accurate description of how art gets made in this household on a more or less daily basis.
swollen spring buds waiting for first rain