don’t know why
i took maybe a hundred photos of a rubber plant today. to be honest, none of them thrilled me but part of having a daily blog is dealing with days when you are not thrilled. i winnowed my hundred down to about a dozen, and then picked one. and then at dinner, i scrolled through the dozen with my husband, and we both liked different photos from each other, and different photos from my original. we scrolled through again, and for some reason we both liked yet another one that was not any of the previous photos. it was the one you’re looking at. so we scrolled through again, and still liked this one. and again, and still liked it. and again. and still. i don’t know why. but something worked that hadn’t been working. something clicked into place somewhere probably a little bit ancient in two very modern brains, and as a result, this is what still blog looks like today. don’t ask me to explain.
rubber plant
you need spring
Love it!