remember just a few years ago? it was sometime after wheat grass. if i had to guess i’d say between blueberries and açaí. anyway it was the brief, golden era when pomegranates sat atop the superfood pyramid. in fact i think someone said, although this is hard to believe, that pomegranate juice might have more antioxidants than cranberry juice or even green tea. i know, right? all i can say is thank heavens we have nutritionists to crush pomegranates into juice for us, and pack their extracted seeds into plastic packages, so that we can gain access to their disease fighting capabilities and their constituent nutritive properties. certainly, that is more important to humanity than the sight of a halved fruit, bursting with faceted crimson jewels that one can, if one wants to miss the whole point of pomegranates, pluck one by one from their tight quarters, and burst between wet teeth.
pomegranate (Punica granatum)