one of our favorite plants here is the prunelle, known in english as the sloe. as in sloe gin. as in the source of perhaps more vile hangovers among american adolescents than blackberry brandy and maybe even (but probably not) captain morgan. in southern france they make a liqueur out of prunelles that our next door neighbor, jean-luc, assures us is one of life’s great pleasures. my husband plans to try to make some later this year, with jean-luc’s help, and i’m just hoping i don’t have to rub his back and hold his hair out of the way all night long, as he leans over the toilet, and tells me over and over how much he loves me, and how he will never do anything like this again.
phyllirea angustifolia
autignac, france
p.s. happy autumnal equinox everyone!
me encanta ver tus preciosas imágenes de la flora mediterránea. Enhorabuena
Esta planta se llama Phyllirea angustifolia, en España tiene en nombre común de olivilla o labiérnago y es una especie autóctona del bosque mediterráneo
Oh thank you Charo! I needed help. I couldn’t identify this one. I picked it because I thought is was sloe berries, but soon learned it wasn’t. But had no idea of how to find out what it actually was.
Thanks for the rescue!
Mary Jo