my daughter found this garter snake on the path of her run yesterday evening. she texted me a photo of it with three question marks, and of course, i begged her to bring it home to me. in the midst of all of her complaining about having to cut her run short, and haul home a dead garter snake on a large hosta leaf, there was the undeniable fact that she had taken the time to text me the photo in the first place. which meant that, despite herself, she had taken her job as still blog scout very seriously. which in turn meant i could reply to her demand, “u better love me forever,” with an unhesitating, “i will!!”
common garter snake
saint paul, minnesota
What a sweet post! You two remind me of my daughter and me. She lives in Chicago, won’t touch anything dead but takes photos of dead birds, pipes, weeds, sidewalk cracks, and the like, just for me. :)
Thanks for showing me how uncommonly common we are as humans. :)
i saw a beautiful one nestled amongst the mossy ancient stones of the escarpment hiking with arounna’s husband and their children on sunday.