these enormous thistles are everywhere in fallow fields and roadside ditches
they are considered common, but to me they are exotic
autignac, france

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wish this was wallpaper, I’d love to cover a wall with this. Lovely.

the season for roasting chestnuts has begun
it looks like a little worm may have gotten to this one first
autignac, france
all dressed up in a handsome husk…beautiful detail!

this is the same tree that had those gorgeous round cones that look like roses
a close cousin to the lebanon cedar
a lovely tree of the mediterranean region
autignac, france
i wish i could smell it too
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The common name “horse-chestnut” (often unhyphenated) is reported as having originated from the erroneous belief that the tree was a kind of chestnut (though in fact only distantly related), together with the observation that eating the fruit cured horses of chest complaints. ..^-”
Good day to you http://www.healthwellnessbook.comcu
absolutely gorgeous… these are the treasures I notice when walking through the woods, and fields, around bogs and ponds near my home. Robyn Gordon @ ArtPropelled mentioned your work to me… so here I am to take a look at your wondrous photos.