i don’t know why, but i have a really hard time letting go of my STILL blog specimens and returning them to nature. i get attached. they tend to gather and pile up on most of the horizontal surfaces of my home. this assemblage was put together with just the specimens on the table on our terrace in autignac, france. only a few of them made it to minnesota in my suitcase. the rest was returned to languedocien soil.
i like this photo. it feels like a fitting wrap-up to our three and a half months in southern france.
autignac, france

it was common to see a buse variable perched every kilometer or so, on fence posts, pine trees, and vine trellises, along the motorways in our region of southern france
much like the red-tailed hawks here at home in minnesota
buse variable feather
autignac, france

we are back in minnesota now, but for the time being my heart is still in languedoc
i left behind half my clothes so i could make room for my many new collections
this is a collection of shells from our favorite beach near sète
sète, france

on one of our outings to the beach near sète, i decided i wanted to gather only shells with holes so i could make a garland. it turned out to be significantly easier than i had anticipated. the beach was scattered with these caramel colored shells, each one peering at me suspiciously through a worn spot on its hinge. i just discovered that the spot is called an umbo. it turned into an afternoon of easy pickings. and the result was several rattling, caramel colored garlands hanging in our doorway.
sète, france
i ADORE this photograph
you and i have so much in common.
While I love all your images, this is my absolute favorite. I am delighted that you will be continuing your work on this site in the coming year. Thank you!
Wow! Thank you to each of you. What an encouraging way to begin 2013. I a loving doing STILL blog more than I ever imagined; I am so much more knowledgeable about my surroundings, my photography is getting better, and the daily routine of it is keeping me in a more creative place all day long. I am so grateful for all of you who stop by. And especially for you select few who leave comments :-)
Many thanks, Mary Jo