yesterday afternoon’s sleet turned into five inches of snow by evening. wet, sticky, and clinging to everything. today the kids made snowmen, cross country skiers left parallel grooves along fairways, and photographers raced to capture all the flat northern light. there’s a chance these crabapples will ferment a little bit and we’ll have some tipsy robins and cedar waxwings later this winter.
crabapple tree with fresh january snow
lake phalen, saint paul, minnesota

i am still playing with my rock collections. i hope you aren’t sick of rocks yet. these round and egg shaped speckled rocks are among my favorites–i love how they look solid and petrified on one hand, yet delicate enough to shatter like eggs.
lake superior beach rocks, minnesota
rocks are amazing, how could we ever tire or them
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They look a lot like our Maine beach cobbles: http://www.flickr.com/photos/quercusdesign/6025729076/
I love the soft light you used – they look positively ethereal!

Hoar frost is beautiful : ) but it must be so cold where you are!

it is hard to find inspiration when you are bundled up, hunched against the cold, with eyes lowered and nose tucked in your collar to avoid the wind.
but this little bit of vegetation breaking free from icy fingers reminds me that the days are getting longer and spring will slowly win its long war of attrition with winter.
saint paul, minnesota
special snow filled photographs this week