some people like to look for the intact perfect specimens. i prefer the ones that let you see inside. i like how exposed and vulnerable these once hard shells look now.
north captiva island, florida

more snow today. the fresh snow feels like a peace offering for the cold temperatures we have been enduring. too cold to get out and walk today (-25 C).
i love how roots, rivers, and branches all display the same structure as my own veins and bronchi. life is flow.
lake phalen, saint paul, minnesota

i have been sorting and organizing. you would laugh if you saw my house. it looks like a high school life science lab. i would know, because i was the student volunteer in the life science lab during high school.
here are some favorite gathered treasures from the upper midwest.
from saint paul north to the Canadian border
Bet it looks a lot like my studio! I love the way the honeycomb are so rounded, like little pebbles.
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I love this photo. I am embarrassed by the piles of dried autumn leaves in my studio and dining room that I am just not quite ready to give up. You are not alone.
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i truly adore your collections
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I’m glad I’m not the only one who has piles of stones, feathers, seed pods, dried leaves etc. in the studio. Love this, it’s beautiful!
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really like your pictures – but also that you seem to write more and more lately. greetings from switzerland.

i stopped at a nearby golf course to find this single fir tree with a hill of snow as a backdrop. it is not a typical STILL blog photo, but fully within the spirit of STILL i think. i hope you agree.
white spruce tree
lake phalen golf course, saint, paul, minnesota
i love seeing trees iced with snow
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love your brilliant work and the presentation is flawless…
always a breath of fresh air when I stop by your delightful site!
gorgeous whites