my neighbor brought me a load of firewood the other day. he works at a company where they make utility poles out of cedar, fir, and occasionally redwood. if the poles split while drying, he gets to take them home and make firewood. it is all this gorgeous two-toned wood–lighter sapwood around the outside and the dark heartwood in the middle. it reminds me of candy-corn, or a craggy teton, or the wavering flame that will eventually consume this specimen and all of its neighbors in the wood pile.
fir firewood
saint paul, minnesota

we found a swainson’s thrush on the front stoop, victim of our storm door’s promise of clear sky ahead. there is nothing like the reedy echo of a thrush in open hardwoods. always too few of them, now one fewer.
swainson’s thrush
saint paul, minnesota

today the wind blew all but the most tenacious clumps of wet snow from branches, stems, and tendrils in our woods, and we watched harmless white snow bombs fall from the sky and explode sparkingly in the afternoon sunshine.
saint paul, minnesota

i suppose a heart rock would be more appropriate for valentine’s day. and, indeed, i have a lot of heart rocks to pick from. but, these yellow weeping willow switches are what caught my heart today. so i am sharing them with you. happy valentine’s day!
saint paul, minnesota
that would be a very beautiful design for embroidery